
Current date/time is Sat Jul 06, 2024 11:16 am

General Discussion

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  • General Discussion

    A place to have a chinwag on all matters that aren't related to coding or the CF community.
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    Request A Userna...
    Sun Jun 30, 2024 6:17 pm
    Mati View latest post
  • Entertainment

    Seen any good movies lately? Want to discuss new music or TV shows or the latest in gaming? Post about them here! Music Gming Movies
    3 Topics
    4 Posts
    What are you cu...
    Thu Jul 04, 2024 6:32 pm
    Pagan View latest post
  • Sports And Fitness

    Discuss your favorite sports. Give/ask advice on physical health and fitness.
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  • Graphic Design Forum

    This is the section to show off your amazing skills for graphics to all the members of our community.
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